Coffee Bar Fundraiser Interest
The coffee bar is a great way to gather the church, tell them about your ministry, and kickstart fundraising. We are happy to partner with you! Please fill out the form below to request dates for your fundraising. If you have any questions, contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Ministry Event (i.e. are you fundraising for a specific trip, event, need?)
When would you like to hold your fundraiser?
Would you like to fundraise for multiple weeks? If so, what time frame are you thinking?
The Coffee Bar is happy to help you in any way, and if you'd like to be a part of any of these details, please check them below:
Providing baked goods
Setting up tables with goodies to sell, prayer cards, vision casting, etc.
Volunteer to take orders
Something else--I have an idea I'd like to share
Anything else you would like us to know?