
On Earth as it is in Heaven

Antioch Fort Collins began with the simple vision of "in Fort Collins as it is in Heaven." However, this vision is not just for Fort Collins, but for everyone. Whether you stay in Fort Collins or go to the farthest reaches of the earth, we have the simple call to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and to make disciples of all nations.
We'd love for you to join us!

Overseas Opportunities 

Antioch offers several opportunities to reach the world with the Gospel of Hope!
Below are a few opportunities, and your next step is to connect with Josh Crosslin about any of them.
We encourage anyone interested in missions to also apply for Antioch Discipleship School (ADS).

Short-Term Trips (Impact Trips)

1-3 weeks

Engage the Nations (ETN)

Summer | 10 weeks

Short-term trips are a concentrated effort to share the love of Jesus and the Gospel alongside a local Antioch church or church planting team. Each year presents different opportunities all over the world. 
  • Is this for me? Best for: 
    • Anyone with vacation days
    • Anyone looking to go on their first or next missions trip 
    • Anyone that wants to practice sharing the Gospel and encounter God in new ways
Click here for trip opportunities!
Engage the Nations is a strategic activation of believers that connects Antioch in the states with Antioch bases all over the world!
  • Is this for me? Best for: 
    • College students giving their summer to missions
    • Digital nomads with flexible work hours
    • Those who might be retired and have the time and flexility to go
Learn More

Serve Internship

1 year

Work/Study Abroad

"Change your location, not your vocation!"

Serve internships are tailored based on the participant and the openings abroad. Regardless of where you go, you will make disciples, live cross-culturally and work with seasoned missionaries.
  • Is this for me? Best for:
    • Those considering long-term missions (church planting)
    • Anyone having completed Antioch Discipleship School
    • Those taking a gap year in school or between jobs
    • Digital nomads with flexible work hours
    • Those who might be retired and have the time and flexibility to go
Work or study abroad is an innovative way to spread the Gospel with few barriers! It might look like digital nomads (take your job overseas), teaching English, being a student, or engaging with local work opportunities (available in most professions) alongside Antioch missionaries or a local church. Come dream with us!
  • Is this for me? Best for: 
    • Anyone willing to live abroad from several months to several years while working or studying and strategically sharing the Gospel and making disciples
    • Digital nomads with flexible work hours
    • Those who might be retired and have the time and flexibility to go

Acts of Mercy (AOM)

Crisis Relief | Needs Based

Justice Ministry 

Bringing justice to communities 

Acts of Mercy mobilizes the Church to be on the frontlines in times of crisis -- bringing relief after events such as floods and earthquakes, and facilitating long-term church planting and community development. Trips are generally short, but length depends on the situation and needs. 
  • Is this for me? Best for:
    • Anyone wanting to give hands-on help in the midst of world disasters
    • Those wanting to use practical skills (medical, construction, etc.) to help those in need
    • Those with the ability to take a trip on short notice
Requires Acts of Mercy's training. Please register here
Learn More about Acts of Mercy
Justice Ministry mobilizes people across industries to identify and respond to a variety of justice issues such as human trafficking in their communities and nations. Opportunities abroad will vary in length (from short crisis response to serving overseas for months or years) and in description (based on the local needs and your skills).
  • Is this for me? Best for: 
    • Those looking to practically help marginalized or unseen people
    • Anyone who's heart aches for the injustice and depravity of this world
    • Those wanting non-profit experience serving tangible needs facing every community

Long-Term Missions (Church Planting)

2+ years

Long-term missions focuses on sharing the Gospel, making disciples of Jesus, and planting churches. Antioch has long-term opportunities all over the world--whether that's joining an existing teams or pioneering to new locations.
  • Is this for me? Best for: 
    • Anyone who has completed Antioch Discipleship School (ADS) and has some overseas ministry experience
    • Anyone wanting and ready to give a high commitment to the Great Commission
    • Anyone feeling a call to a particular nation or people group, or a call to serve long-term wherever there is a need
    • Those who might be retired and are looking to serve God with a "2nd career" in missions

Steps to the Nations

Simply put . . .

  1. Talk with Josh Crosslin. Share your hopes, ideas, and heart for the nations!
  2. Generally, Antioch Discipleship School (ADS) is required for everyone we send for internships or long-term opportunities.
  3. Church Planting School is only for long-term teams (a 3-5 year commitment) 
    • Church Planting School is an online course that ends in a short, in-person, week-long intensive at an Antioch church in the States. 

Meet Josh and Sagana!

International Directors

Josh and Sagana have spent 21 years serving in Asia through church planting and Unbound Now (an anti-human trafficking organization). They are passionate about teaching the lost and seeing lives transformed by the love of Jesus.

Connect with Josh! 

If you have a heart for the nations, submit this form and Josh will contact you soon!