Team Belize

Who are we?

A team of 17 adults and 3 kids.


We are headed back to Belize! Last May, we made several connections with locals and God has invited us back to continue investing in the relationships we made. Our focus will be to disciple the people we connected with and create lasting relationships. We are thankful for the immense ways that God revealed himself to the people of the islands, which impacted the hearts of our team members as well! While also connecting with the locals, we will continue to come alongside and encourage our local team leaders in Belize.

This will look like 11 days of prayer, fasting, following the Holy Spirit, making  new friends, sharing our faith, partnering in the miraculous, and discipling and connecting local Belizeans to our local Team Leaders.

Pray with us


Divine Strategy

With a group our size, we can cover a lot of ground in a short time, so pray that our time would be well spent.


Salvations & Healings

Our local contacts are believing for spiritual awakening in the local church leaders and for God to move in the hearts of the locals. We are eager to partner alongside them.


Team Readiness

We want to partner with the Holy Spirit as we prepare and get equipped for this trip and while we are on the ground.


December 6-16

$2,220 pp

Give to the trip

We need to know who you’re giving to!
- please add the recipients name to the memo line, when prompted

Give Online
Right here— follow the instructions.

Give In Person
You can either drop a donation in the AFC accounting office (first door on the left when you enter the building) or in either of the black boxes found towards the back of the sanctuary on each of the back walls.
*please memo trip location/recipients name

Mail In Cash/Check
Antioch Community Church of Fort Collins
608 E. Drake Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525
*please memo trip location/recipients name
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Antioch Community Church is a Non-Profit – 501c3 – Organization. All gifts are given to Antioch Community Church with the understanding that the elders have full control over the final distribution of those gifts. Gifts toward specific projects or ministries will be honored unless the project is fully funded or significantly altered. Then, the elders will direct the gift to a similar project or to the area of greatest need.