
Micah 6:8 “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” 


OVERVIEW.  We seek kingdom justice in our lives and communities. We clearly see Jesus setting this as part of his mission in Luke 4, and we follow his lead. This isn’t the same as how the world defines justice -- they want “the Kingdom without the King”.

Kingdom justice looks like choosing to be aware of the needs and brokenness in our church and the world and then seeking the Father’s lead to step out in obedience to Him. Foremost, this is in sharing the good news of our King. But this also looks like practical needs (such as giving food or clothes), partnering with the Holy Spirit for healing, or stepping into larger efforts (such as combating human trafficking). In doing justice, we partner with Jesus to step into the brokenness of the world as ambassadors of God’s kingdom.

BIBLE READING. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is clear that the Lord is a God of justice. In your Bible reading this week, consider meditating on Psalm 10: 12-18, Isaiah 42:1-7, and Isaiah 61. Consider what this says about God and what it says about our part in brining the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.

PRACTICE. Brining kingdom justice starts with being transformed by the King of the Kingdom of Heaven. Ultimately, this hope and action towards justice should then happen within the body of the church, then outwards towards the world as a part of the gospel of Good News. With that in mind, here are a couple reflection prompts as you engage with doing justice.

Start by praying this prayer aloud: Lord, give us your heart for your church, people, and the world. Help us to see injustices without cynicism, the hurting without guilt, and brokenness without fear. Build within us your creative problem solving to the issues around us. And lead us in partnering with you towards bringing good news to the poor, binding up the brokenhearted, setting the captives free, to proclaim the Lord’s kingdom, and comfort for those who mourn.

REFLECT.  It can be hard to pursue kingdom justice because of our own human brokenness. Take some time to ask the Lord if you’re resistant to doing justice because of any of the following reasons:
  • It is politicized
  • It is confusing / complex
  • You have experienced injustice
  • Unhealthy beliefs / doctrine about justice
  • Lack of capacity
If anything comes up, ask the Lord if there’s anyone you need to forgive and release to move forward in this area. Alternatively, you can process with the Lord if there are any lies you are believing in these areas; if so, ask for His truth in its place.

REFLECT. Consider the following questions, or maybe bring a small group of friends together and discuss the following over dinner:
  • What is an area of injustice that I see within the church?
  • How have I responded to or ignored this area?
  • What is something I can do to address this area of injustice?
  • What is an area of injustice that I see within my communities outside of the church?
  • How have I responded to or ignored this area?
  • What is something I can do to address this?
End with a time of prayer and surrender to Jesus. Be open to the Holy Spirit's prompting regarding your part to play in doing justice. 
In the video, you heard about one practical way to engage with justice, specifically with UnboundNow. If you'd like to learn more about Fort Collins' UnboundNow chapter, click the button.