Antioch Owners

An owner is someone who partners and participates with Antioch Fort Collins' vision, beliefs, and practices.


Antioch Fort Collins began in 2010 with a simple vision of "in Fort Collins as it is in Heaven."

We believe that to fulfill that vision, we must become a community that apprentices to Jesus, which looks like being with Jesus, being like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did. Our dream is that as we order ourselves around Jesus, our lives and our city will be transformed. 



The Bible is authoritative,
The gathering of believers is vial for our lives.
The Gifts of the Spirit are alive and active today.
We hear God.
We are loved by God so we love others.
Kids have full access to the Kingdom of Heaven.
We have a mandate to go to the world.
Abide. To stay or remain in relationship with God through prayer, reading his Word, and worship.
Rest. We rest as an act of trust and celebration of the  generosity, goodness, and presence of God.
Community. We are made for relationships, and in Jesus-centered relationships, we are shaped and refined to look more like Jesus.
Generosity. We are courageously generous with our time, talents, and money, recognizing that it all was first given to us.
Discipleship. Jesus-focused, Gospel-centered relationships for the purpose of training, growth, and obedience to God.
Justice.  In doing justice, we partner with Jesus to step into the brokenness of the world as ambassadors of God’s kingdom.