Life Group

Commit your life to a small group of people for a season and watch God move in your life like never before.
We believe that we were made for relationship and community. Knowing and being known happens best in smaller groups over time. Life groups are safe communities for people to walk out their journey with Jesus together with other believers.  They meet weekly in homes throughout Northern Colorado. Our Christian small groups in Fort Collins are designated by age and stage to help facilitate relationships, but they aren't limited to those.
What to Expect?
  • Leader-facilitated with invitational group participation.
  • Encounter and experience the presence of God.
  • Each group starts with some form of connection, ideally a meal together.
  • Founded in and supported by being in the Bible.
  • Activities and practices designed to help us be with Jesus, become like him, and/or do what he does.
  • Time to pray with and for each other.
  • Space to be messy and real. Everyone is on a journey to God that is not yet completed.

Interested in checking out a Life Group in Fort Collins? Fill our our Life Group interest form or email for help finding one that corresponds with your season of life.