Let your light shine!
We exist as an outpost for the Kingdom Of God in the mist of an ever-increasingly secular and broken society. We have the opportunity and the mandate from Jesus to shine our light so that people in our community may encounter Him. It takes practice to cultivate a lifestyle of outreach, but the harvest is ready and the laborers are few. It's time to get to work!
Hope is a hot commodity in our society. Everyone is looking for hope, and everyone finds it in one form or another. The trouble is, hope outside of Jesus is empty and leaves people feeling well, hopeless. That is where the followers of Jesus have an opportunity to share the hope of the gospel of Jesus. For many christians, evangelism can be a challenging and uncomfortable proposition. We aim to create spaces and training to help people feel empowered and excited to share the gospel in our community. See below for specific ways you can engage.
Get Equipped!
Next Event: April 2025
Street Ministry
Next Event: April 2025
Looking at the needs of our Fort Collins community, there are many ways to engage and share the hope of Jesus. Currently, Antioch is engaging with four ministries to see hope restored to our local community. Each one has a few different ways to engage, so feel free to reach out to your Life Group leader or email info@antiochfc.org for help engaging with local outreach.
Justice Now Fort Collins is an Antioch ministry that fights human trafficking primarily through education, awareness, and localized prevention.

Engaging the Poor
At Antioch, we value engaging the poor in our city as a way to do what Jesus did. We can do that in so many different ways, currently in this season we're accepting donations that will go to our Food Pantry here at the building, and also to other organizations around Fort Collins.

Food Pantry
Our food pantry is open every Wednesday from 5:30-7pm. Supplying mostly dry goods, we operate on community donations. Feel free to drop off nonperishables in the bin at our front.
Family Housing Network’s mission is to support families experiencing homelessness to achieve sustainable self-sufficiency in a timely and dignified manner. Antioch is one of many host churches in the area--taking one week a quarter to house and feed families.