
Hebrews 10:24-25 "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."


OVERVIEW. We choose to press into community - to rejoice together, mourn together, and commit to growing together - even when there’s conflict. We are made for relationships because through them, we are individually sharpened, purified, and refined as a group. In our context, this looks like being part of a weekly large gathering that focus on teaching and worship. Then, throughout the week, we meet in smaller groups to share and press on towards Christ together in safe spaces where we can share ourselves, encourage each other, and celebrate together.

As we move from pseudo-community to authentic community, we have to overcome our own individualism, idealism, and intimidation. Then, in authentic community, it’s through exposure and encouragement that we’re able to grow as individuals and as a community.

PRACTICE. The first step is to say yes to a community. Hopefully, that looks like attending a church and small group. You can implement this practice with that community or a specific group of friends. The next step is cultivating exposure and encouragement.

In a group, take turns having everyone give encouragement to the same individual before moving on to the next. These can be as simple as appreciating an article of clothing, to encouraging in their life circumstances, to sharing something you’re hearing from the Lord. Remember, the point of this time is to build up and speak courage into each other - not to correct, problem solve, or challenge.

Spend some time processing your own heart towards community:
  • Are there areas in your life where you have agreed with the siren songs of individualism, idealism, or intimidation towards community in your own life? If so, where do you need to repent and receive God’s truth in its place?
  • Are there situations or people who have hurt you instead of offering safety and encouragement in community? Spend time forgiving them and listening to God’s heart for yourself and for them. Ask God how you can press forward in hope for healthy community.