Briefly welcome the group & pray before eating.
Welcome to life group! Life group is a safe, committed community to walk out our journey with Jesus together. Let’s pray and then eat!
Dinner Discussion (30-40 mins)
Here are some questions to get you started based on last week’s message. Encourage people to share, not report.
Welcome to life group! Life group is a safe, committed community to walk out our journey with Jesus together. Let’s pray and then eat!
Dinner Discussion (30-40 mins)
Here are some questions to get you started based on last week’s message. Encourage people to share, not report.
- How did your awareness of the culture as being an enemy of the faith affect you this past week?
- How was walking out your response with the Holy Spirit?
- What are ways you’ve tried to “willpower” change in your life in the past? How did that go?
- Is it encouraging hearing the difference between “dying to self” and “denying your flesh”? Why or why not?
(5 mins)
We Are Moving to 2 Services! | Sunday, February 26
Starting February 26, we will be offering two service times: 8:45am and 10:30am. Kids Ministry will be available during both services! We would love to invite Life Groups to attend the same service!
Want to Serve?
As we transition into two services, we are looking for more volunteers to be part of our Pillar Teams! There are lots of opportunities and times to serve, even beyond Sundays. Simply fill out the form under the connect tab on the website or app and one of our leaders will contact you!
RSVP for Ownership Class | Sunday, February 19 from 4-6pm in the auditorium
Whether you're new to Antioch or you've been involved for years, you are invited to our Ownership Class! Similar to a new members class and a State of the Church meeting, we will discuss our history, beliefs, finance, vision, and what being a part of this family means.
Please register on the app or at antiochfc.org to let us know you're coming! Child care and refreshments provided.
Bible reading (5 -20 mins)
Together, slowly read out loud Romans 7:24 - 8:5. Leave time after for reflection.
Here are some questions to think about while listening to the passage. This can be used for either group discussion or individual reflection.
We Are Moving to 2 Services! | Sunday, February 26
Starting February 26, we will be offering two service times: 8:45am and 10:30am. Kids Ministry will be available during both services! We would love to invite Life Groups to attend the same service!
Want to Serve?
As we transition into two services, we are looking for more volunteers to be part of our Pillar Teams! There are lots of opportunities and times to serve, even beyond Sundays. Simply fill out the form under the connect tab on the website or app and one of our leaders will contact you!
RSVP for Ownership Class | Sunday, February 19 from 4-6pm in the auditorium
Whether you're new to Antioch or you've been involved for years, you are invited to our Ownership Class! Similar to a new members class and a State of the Church meeting, we will discuss our history, beliefs, finance, vision, and what being a part of this family means.
Please register on the app or at antiochfc.org to let us know you're coming! Child care and refreshments provided.
Bible reading (5 -20 mins)
Together, slowly read out loud Romans 7:24 - 8:5. Leave time after for reflection.
Here are some questions to think about while listening to the passage. This can be used for either group discussion or individual reflection.
- Which words or phrases resonate with you or your season of life at this moment?
- What do I need to remember, sit in, or practice in light of the text? What does this mean for my life today?
Practice: Pause & Reflect: The World
(30-45 mins.)
1. Reflect On What You’ve Learned
Begin your time tonight with a discussion around some of the most impactful ideas that you have learned this past week. Work through some or all of following questions together:
2. Talk Through Next Steps
Next, break into smaller groups of 3 or 4 and spend some time discussing the following questions.
3. Pray
Lastly, spend some time in your smaller groups praying for each other. Ask Jesus to continue to break off the lies that are holding us back, to reveal negative spiritual strongholds that we may not be aware of, and to give us the strength and discipline to put into place any changes we need to make in our lives, as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Close out the night from these smaller groups.
1. Reflect On What You’ve Learned
Begin your time tonight with a discussion around some of the most impactful ideas that you have learned this past week. Work through some or all of following questions together:
- What is something new that you have learned about the flesh and the way it works against you in your discipleship to Jesus?
- In this part of the Practice, we explored the reality that the enemy’s primary weapon against us is deceitful ideas that play to our disordered desires. What is one “disordered desire” in you that you find deceitful lies playing to most often?
- The Practices for fighting the flesh are Fasting (which we’ll talk about next week) and Confession. Do you see the merit of these disciplines in your fight against the flesh? How have they aided you?
- What other Practices do you think could help you in your fight against the flesh?
2. Talk Through Next Steps
Next, break into smaller groups of 3 or 4 and spend some time discussing the following questions.
- In response to all that you’ve learned, what is one thing that you need to change in your life regarding your apprenticeship to Jesus?
- In tandem with the Holy Spirit, how are you going to make this happen? What help might you need in order to make this happen (from God, Community, or other sources)?
3. Pray
Lastly, spend some time in your smaller groups praying for each other. Ask Jesus to continue to break off the lies that are holding us back, to reveal negative spiritual strongholds that we may not be aware of, and to give us the strength and discipline to put into place any changes we need to make in our lives, as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Close out the night from these smaller groups.