Welcome / Share Vision for LG

Briefly welcome the group & pray before eating.

Welcome to life group! Life group is a safe, committed community to walk out our journey with Jesus together.

Dinner / Fellowship (30 mins)
We share dinner together as an act of fellowship. Throughout the gospels, we see Jesus constantly interacting with people over a meal. The act of eating is so universal that eating together both fills a practical need and helps us open up again to community together. As we eat and share, let’s intentionally reflect on God’s presence in our lives. Encourage people to share, not report.

  • What is something you’re thankful for?
  • How have you encountered God this past week?

Optional: you can have the elements of communion to take communion together to start or end the meal.


(5 mins)

Baby Dedications | November 12th during both services
Baby dedications are a way for parents to commit to pray for their kids and to raise them in the way of Jesus. It is our joy to do this on a Sunday because we need community to do this well. Please register by filling out the form on the app or website.

Serve 6.8 Food drive | Ends November 15th
We are participating with Serve 6.8 for a Thanksgiving food drive. Bring your shelf-stable Thanksgiving favorites to the dropoff bin at the church by November 15th. See the event calendar for a full list of wanted items.

Bible reading

(15 mins)

Split into groups of 8 or fewer if necessary. Together, read out loud Mark 8:11-21 . Pause for a minute or two after for individual reflection.

Here are some questions for group discussion.
  • What does this passage say about God?
  • What do we learn about ourselves and others?
  • What stands out to you and how could that change you?

Practice: Thanksgiving

Read this overview aloud together. (5 mins) 

We can use the act of giving thanks to the Lord to help mark and remember what he has done for us. In creating physical reminders of his provision, these ebenezers act as reminders to ourselves and others of who God is and what he has done for us. They are markers of how he has spoken and moved in the past, even if through providence, and how we can hope and expect him to move again.

As a group (15-25 mins)

Together, we’re going to vocally worship through giving thanks as a group. We’ll spend 10-15 mins in worship in which we will popcorn prayer proclaiming what the Lord has done in our lives in the past 5 years. These can be acts of clear involvement by the Lord or simply providence. As an example - “Thank you God that you have built community in my life through Antioch.”

On your own during the week

Start your time with God this week from a perspective of thanksgiving that informs your worship and prayer. You can see this throughout the Psalms with recollection of how God rescued the people of Israel again and again (Psalm 9 as one example).

If this is already something you regularly do, take it a step further by creating a card or physical reminder of what the Lord has done in your life. Put this somewhere visible as a regular reminder of who God is in your life.

End with Prayer

(15 mins)

Split into groups of 2-3 to pray together to end the time. You can either share praise & prayer points or base prayer from what was spoken during the practice. One of the leaders should close out the night with a final prayer and thanking everyone for coming.