Welcome / Share Vision for LG

Briefly welcome the group & pray before eating.

Welcome to life group! Life group is a safe, committed community to walk out our journey with Jesus together.

Dinner / Fellowship (30 mins)
We share dinner together as an act of fellowship. Throughout the gospels, we see Jesus constantly interacting with people over a meal. The act of eating is so universal that eating together both fills a practical need and helps us open up again to community together. As we eat and share, let’s intentionally reflect on God’s presence in our lives. Encourage people to share, not report.

  • What is something you’re thankful for?
  • How have you encountered God this past week?

Optional: you can have the elements of communion to take communion together to start or end the meal.


(5 mins)

Encounter Night | November 10, 7-8:30pm in the auditorium

As a people who are passionate about Jesus, encounter nights are a way to come into his presence and worship Him!

Evangelism Equipping | Sunday, November 19 from 7:15-8:15am in the Eastside Classroom
Are you looking to share your faith with the lost around you? Want some help and encouragement? Come get equipped and encouraged to engage those around you with the good news.

Bible reading

(15 mins)

Split into groups of 8 or fewer if necessary. Together, read out loud John 15:12-17. Pause for a minute or two after for individual reflection.

Here are some questions for group discussion.
  • What does this passage say about God?
  • What do we learn about ourselves and others?
  • What stands out to you and how could that change you?

Practice: Face-Time

Read this overview aloud together. (5 mins) 

Hearing God is something that we can practice and grow in as we grow in relationship with Him. Listening for his voice, recognizing how he could be speaking, and holding words loosely while trusting him are all skills to grow in. One of the greatest ways to grow in this is through posturing or attuning ourselves towards Jesus. A great way to do this is daily time before the Lord’s face so that we are changed, just as Moses was from being before God. An Antioch-specific way of talking about this daily time with God is Face-Time - as in making time face-to-face to be with him.

As a group (20-30 mins)

A helpful recipe for this daily face-time is expressed with the acronym WPWP, which stands for worship, prayer, word, and prayer. We’re going to follow this tonight to spend time together with Jesus. We start face-time with a posture of worship before the lord - proclaiming who he is. Then transition to inward focused prayer - repenting, thanking him for personal, intimate relationship, and praying into his will for your own life. Then spend time in the word - sitting in the truth of the bible and recognizing that God is always speaking through it. Finally, we’ll end with outward focused prayer - praying for those in your family and community, or praying for the city and your leaders, or even interceding for a specific situation locally or in the world.

Some worship songs you could engage with are:
You Deserve it All / Holy Ground - Jeremy Riddle
Refiner - Maverick City Music

On your own during the week

This week, set aside 30 minutes daily to meet with the Lord face to face. If you’re not sure how to fit it in your schedule, you can almost always wake up 30 minutes earlier. This may be an act of surrender or sacrifice, similar to fasting, to make the time to be with him. But in this, you can eagerly expect his daily presence and to hear him speak, whether through the word, his still small voice, in creation, or through others throughout the day.

End with Prayer

(5 mins)

Close out the night with a final prayer together thanking God for his nearness, for speaking to and through us, and for grace to practice and learn. Thank everyone for coming.