How To Facilitate Encounters With Jesus Through Prayer


Before you arrive and even as you are waiting for people to approach, pave the way for Jesus. 

Three Open Prayer Strategy for Personal Evangelism: Life-changing prayer based on Colossians 4:3-4
“Lord, Open a door.”
“Lord, open their heart.”
“Lord, open my mouth.”


Use this simple framework to facilitate an encounter with Jesus. 

  1. Welcome: What do you want to cause by your presence?
  2. Ask: How can I pray for you?
  3. Listen: To the person, and to the Holy Spirit.
  4. Respond: Offer empathy and ask compassionate questions.
  5. Pray: Be clear & kind, Be brief & amazing.
  6. Offer Encounter: Ask something like, “Are you open to experiencing God right in this moment?” If yes, then invite God to come. Then, after a brief pause, ask what they sense or feel.

  • Keep your prayer brief. In most cases less than a minute is wise.
  • Use common language. Let your words of prayer be conversational and natural.
  • If you feel it would be taken the right way, take the person’s hand or place your hand on their shoulder. There is power in touch.
  • Pray for the person’s specific need. Focus your prayer on what they shared with you and don’t wander to other topics.
  • Keep it simple; don’t turn your prayer into a chance to preach a sermon.
  • Pray in the name of Jesus. There is power in Jesus’ name. God already knows and cares about the person you are praying for. Make sure they know to whom you are praying and who to thank if the prayer is answered.
  • Be sensitive to location and volume. If you are in a public place, step out of the flow of traffic. You may be comfortable with prayer, but it might be new territory for the person receiving it. Seek little privacy if possible. 
  • Pray quietly. Remember, the only people who need to hear are you, the person you are praying for, and God.


After you pray, here are some things you can do to make them feel seen and cared for.

  • Ask them to share their experience - don’t rush this process, be present.
  • Give them a bible.
  • Invite them to church.
  • Invite them to coffee.
  • Give them some cold water.

Once they're gone write down the theme of the need they shared

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