Learn The Unforced Rhythms Of Grace.
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus is calling you to a deeper experience of His love and grace! We were made for relationship with Him. To be with Him, become more like Him, and carry out His purposes in this world! So why do so few christians experience the "abundant life" or the "easy yoke" that Jesus intended for us? What's standing in the way? Typically it's a combination of the devil, the flesh, and the world, but it's not just that those influences exist in our lives. It's that our thoughts, our schedules, and our beliefs are , to one degree or another, structured around those three influences.
What if we chose to re-structure our lives around Jesus and His teachings?
What if we chose His wisdom, over the pseudo-wisdom of the devil, the flesh, and the world?
What if our lives looked more like His?
How do we get there?
What Is A Rule Of Life?
A rule of life is a schedule and set of practices and relational rhythms that help us create space in our busy world for us to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did—to live “to the full” ( John 10v10) in his kingdom, and in alignment with our deepest passions and priorities.
While the word “rule” may strike you as a strict or binding constraint, the Latin word we translate “rule” was originally the word for a trellis in a vineyard. In the same way a vine needs a trellis to lift it off the ground so it can bear the maximum amount of fruit, and keep free of predators and diseases, we need a rule as a kind of support structure to organize our life around “abiding in the vine,” ( John 15v1–8) as Jesus imagined.
It’s been said that we achieve inner peace when our schedule is aligned with our values. A rule of life is simply a tool to that end. Rather than a rigid, legalistic to-do list, it’s a life-giving structure for freedom, growth, and joy.
“A good rule can set us free to be our true and best selves. It is a working document, a kind of spiritual budget, not carved in stone but subject to regular review and revision. It should support us, but never constrict us.”
- Margaret Guenther
Wife, Mother, & Anglican Priest
While the word “rule” may strike you as a strict or binding constraint, the Latin word we translate “rule” was originally the word for a trellis in a vineyard. In the same way a vine needs a trellis to lift it off the ground so it can bear the maximum amount of fruit, and keep free of predators and diseases, we need a rule as a kind of support structure to organize our life around “abiding in the vine,” ( John 15v1–8) as Jesus imagined.
It’s been said that we achieve inner peace when our schedule is aligned with our values. A rule of life is simply a tool to that end. Rather than a rigid, legalistic to-do list, it’s a life-giving structure for freedom, growth, and joy.
“A good rule can set us free to be our true and best selves. It is a working document, a kind of spiritual budget, not carved in stone but subject to regular review and revision. It should support us, but never constrict us.”
- Margaret Guenther
Wife, Mother, & Anglican Priest
Lets Get Started.
First, click here to review Antioch Fort Collins' six core practices.
Next, use this chart to prayerfully work through each practice, giving yourself a little time to list out your current practices, and to imagine what a more intentional rule of life could look like for you in this season.