Life Group Leader Guide Archive

All of the LG Leader guides for Practicing the Way weeks can be found here. 


Prayer is the center-point of life with God. It should be woven into the fabric of our morning routine, our weekly schedule. We should make time for prayer every single day. Even if we have to stay up all night. It is here where we get to enjoy the Father’s company. Prayer is our opportunity to interact with the Creator God and participate in his work of bringing redemption to earth. This practice will explore areas of prayer like contemplation, intercession, lament, unanswered prayer, imaginative prayer, and listening prayer.

Week 1 - Rule of Life
Week 2 - Prayer Basics
Week 3 - Listening Prayer
Week 4 - The Prayer of Examen
Week 5 - Intercessory Prayer
Week 6 - Prayer using Scripture
Week 7 - Silence & Solitude